Teach your kids problem solving
Tue Oct 1 2024

Losing a lunchbox at school, negative peer pressure or competition, acing the exams, solving a difficult Maths problem – Students face such problems and many more during their school days. As responsible guardians or teachers we cannot always fight their battles for them. What we can do though is equipping them well enough and mentoring them to solve all problems on their own. Problem solving is not just a skill that they will require during their school life but this skill will help them later on in life. As the best CBSE School in Kolkata, we believe in making our students future ready and are here to guide the parents with steps they can follow to make their children problem solvers from an early age. As the best CBSE School in Kolkata, we have some general tips to help you teach your child problem solving skills.
Act as their model
When you encounter a problem in your life, discuss it with your child. It can be a very minor issue. Think aloud together and keep them informed of the problem solving technique you are following to solve your problem. Let them shadow you through the problem. Having a practical example or experience will help them understand the approach better. Also, show your child that you are willing to make mistakes on the way. You must prepare them for mistakes as well. Mistakes are a part of life; they must know that and be ready to accept that. Explain to them that there are things which are in our control and then there are things which are beyond our control. They should know when it is the latter and act accordingly.
Ask for their advice
When you ask for their advice to solve some problems you face, they gain the confidence to provide suggestions. They understand it is okay to reach out to other people for advice when you are facing a challenge. They would feel valued when they see you are considering their solution approach.
Don’t give out the answer
When your child is facing a challenge, let them figure it out on their own. Don’t step in to provide the answer to them. Know that they might take wrong routes on the way but will eventually reach the destination. If you provide the solution or give them the answer, they will never get the chance to explore the journey and understand the approach. They will never be confident enough to solve problems on their own. They will always need someone’s help and guidance.
Make a list
There is an interesting approach you can encourage your child to follow while solving problems. The method is called the SODAS method. In this method note down the following in the mentioned order:
Assess the Situation
Explore the Options
Note down the Disadvantages
Consider the Advantages
Come to a Solution
As the best CBSE School in Kolkata, we believe we hold the most important responsibility along with parents to shape the character of a child. Our intention is to prepare the child to face any challenge they come across as maturely as possible. Give your child the best mentoring with the best possible options. Visit www.jpsedu.in to know more about us.